
English Language Challenges~ Last post 2021~

  Hi! This semester I took English IV at my university, believe it or not this is the first time I have taken English on my own free will and it was great! I really enjoyed this subject, I learned a lot of new things and improved in different areas. I feel more comfortable talking and writing in English😄. I still have a lot of things to learn and to improve, especially since my basics are not good -Almost all the English I know I learned from reading comics hahaha-. Well, because of it I have some aspects of my English I would like to work on like the conjugations, past, writing, more vocabulary, pronunciation, and some others. Since I haven’t tried to study so hard, I want to start practicing and writing more. I want to learn the basics properly, so I was thinking of having a notebook where I will be taking cute notes of everything, something like my little bible of English   (If you know a book or anything that you think will be useful for me, please write it down in the comments

Changes to my study programme :3

Hello! Today I’m going to talk about some changes and things I think will be good for my career. I’m currently a 3rd year student of Engineering in Natural Renewable Resources. My career recently changed the program they had, actually this year 2021 is the first year with the new program. I still have the old one, for me the new program and the old one are at the same time similar and different. Anyway, I have noticed some changes like adding English to the program (to the people who enter before 2021 is not mandatory), I think this change is very important because there is a huge amount of work (papers, investigations, etc) in English and because you can communicate with people from different countries. In other matters, I think my career has an important social part, but we don’t learn tools to help us communicate properly with people and this has been problematic in some subjects. We do have anthropology but in the last semester so it is not very helpful. Also, it is important to kn

Time travel in the future

  Hello! Today’s post is about traveling to the future~~ If I could go to the future (and come back) I don´t know what specific time I would like to go. Because of the expectations we have of the future due to climate change and all the political changes in the world I’m not sure if I want to go. Although, something strange happened today, I wrote the incorrect date: 19/11/2025 instead of 19/11/2021. When I make a mistake like this, I usually miss the day or the month, but the year?? And not the year before or the after, but it was 4 years? Well I think everything happens for a reason so I wrote it in my google calendar so I won’t forget it hahahaha and now I’m really curious about what will happen that day. So in this moment I think I would go to that day only to see if something will happen or not. I only know that it's a Wednesday. Well in this hypothetical situation, I think I would ask my future self about her life, some advices, and see how things are going in the world.

My future job ~

  Hello~~💚 Since I was in second year of high school, I knew what career I wanted to study: Engineering in Natural Renewable Resources, which in short is a career related with nature and people. Now I'm a 3rd year college student of this program and I'm glad I chose it <3. I have thought about my future job many times, but I still don’t have an answer. Some reasons for this are that my career is what you can call “versatile”, we can work in different areas, and I like most of them so it is hard for me to focus only in one or two. I know that I want to work in Chile and that  I want to somehow make the world a better place with my future job . About the job, I can say that I’d like to be interacting with people. I think education is the key for changes, so I'd like to do environmental education. I'd like to work contributing to generate a balance between development and nature, where both can coexist (“a green future”). I also have thought about conservation, inspe

A funny moment of my childhood

  Hi!! When I tried to remember a funny moment of my childhood or anything about this time I couldn’t remember anything so I called my mom and ask her if she could help me to remember. We had a nice time talking about these moments in fact we talked more than an hour hahaha, but I still didn’t have a moment to talk about so I will say some good memories I have. The first thing that came to my mind was my "school campus”, a place where the school had a pool, games, and a space where we could do barbecue and eat. We used to go there every year in the weekends since November til February. I have so many good memories there with childhood friends. Others good memories are the ones that I have from Chillan. I was born in Chillan and my entire mother's family lives there but I live in Santiago since I was 2 years old. Every summer we travelled to Chillan and spent an entire month there. Every day in the afternoon my sister and I played with my grandma neighbors (the kids obvio


  Hi! I have tried many different hobbies and I’m always open to try new! 😊 The hobbies I enjoy the most and I try to do them when I can are: cook, read books, read mangas-comics, yoga, gardening, watch anime, play volleyball, go trekking and ride my bicycle<3. Gardening is one of my top three favorite hobbies and something it really helped me a lot with stress and relaxation. Last year I took a semester off from college. Then I learned a lot about plants and I became more interested in this topic. I bought and grew many plants inside my house and outside. I had a cute green garden, but since this university year started I don´t have the time or the energy to take care of them like used to, so my backyard is very poorly maintained :c (and no one in my house take care of them in my absence). This situation make me sad so this “recess week” we have from university I’m going to do some maintenance in my garden and try to install a self-watering system. Wish me luck ;) 💚💚💚 These a

My best Holiday

 Hello! My best holiday was 2 summers ago in February of 2020 when I was 19 years old. Me and two dear friends, hitchhiked to Chiloe.  We stayed there for a week and a half, did a lot of things, met many people and places, like Ancud, Quemchi, Castro, Dalcahue, Lemuy island . I have many stories and anecdotes from this trip, I'll tell you some of them.   First of all, when you travel to Chiloe you have to take a ferry to get there because it is an archipelago, and some more to reach the other islands. I really liked these little trips. Up there we always asked people if they could drive us (it always worked). In fact, once a couple "adopted" us and took us all over Quinchao island, we even went together to see "Los Jaivas" and gave us food hahaha. My favorites places of this trip were Duhatao and Lemuy Island. I will definitely come back to Chiloe in the future <3 (A picture of Duhatao) 💗 💗  💗 💗 (A picture of me and my friends in Detif; from lef to right;