My best Holiday

 Hello! My best holiday was 2 summers ago in February of 2020 when I was 19 years old. Me and two dear friends, hitchhiked to Chiloe. 

We stayed there for a week and a half, did a lot of things, met many people and places, like Ancud, Quemchi, Castro, Dalcahue, Lemuy island . I have many stories and anecdotes from this trip, I'll tell you some of them. 

 First of all, when you travel to Chiloe you have to take a ferry to get there because it is an archipelago, and some more to reach the other islands. I really liked these little trips. Up there we always asked people if they could drive us (it always worked). In fact, once a couple "adopted" us and took us all over Quinchao island, we even went together to see "Los Jaivas" and gave us food hahaha.

My favorites places of this trip were Duhatao and Lemuy Island. I will definitely come back to Chiloe in the future <3

(A picture of Duhatao)

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(A picture of me and my friends in Detif; from lef to right; me, Anto and feqi)

💗 💗 💗 💗


  1. You were so lucky to meet that family! I want free food too hahaha. Id also been in Duhatao and Lemuy and I agree that those places are magical <3

  2. That's a very lovely story Flopi! In the pictures I can see clearly that you enjoyed a lot your trip and that really motivates me to travel too! Also the second picture is so sweet! You and your friends look so happy :) <3

  3. I think one of the best ways to enjoy a holiday is with friends. I can tell you had a great time and too bad about your mobile phone haha.

  4. Ohh! Your trip around the island sounds amazing.. and the photos are too -love the collage-. It´s so nice you have friends who like to do this type of travels <3

  5. Your trip and all the adventures you got to experience sounds amazing :)


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