
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

Changes to my study programme :3

Hello! Today I’m going to talk about some changes and things I think will be good for my career. I’m currently a 3rd year student of Engineering in Natural Renewable Resources. My career recently changed the program they had, actually this year 2021 is the first year with the new program. I still have the old one, for me the new program and the old one are at the same time similar and different. Anyway, I have noticed some changes like adding English to the program (to the people who enter before 2021 is not mandatory), I think this change is very important because there is a huge amount of work (papers, investigations, etc) in English and because you can communicate with people from different countries. In other matters, I think my career has an important social part, but we don’t learn tools to help us communicate properly with people and this has been problematic in some subjects. We do have anthropology but in the last semester so it is not very helpful. Also, it is important to kn

Time travel in the future

  Hello! Today’s post is about traveling to the future~~ If I could go to the future (and come back) I don´t know what specific time I would like to go. Because of the expectations we have of the future due to climate change and all the political changes in the world I’m not sure if I want to go. Although, something strange happened today, I wrote the incorrect date: 19/11/2025 instead of 19/11/2021. When I make a mistake like this, I usually miss the day or the month, but the year?? And not the year before or the after, but it was 4 years? Well I think everything happens for a reason so I wrote it in my google calendar so I won’t forget it hahahaha and now I’m really curious about what will happen that day. So in this moment I think I would go to that day only to see if something will happen or not. I only know that it's a Wednesday. Well in this hypothetical situation, I think I would ask my future self about her life, some advices, and see how things are going in the world.

My future job ~

  Hello~~💚 Since I was in second year of high school, I knew what career I wanted to study: Engineering in Natural Renewable Resources, which in short is a career related with nature and people. Now I'm a 3rd year college student of this program and I'm glad I chose it <3. I have thought about my future job many times, but I still don’t have an answer. Some reasons for this are that my career is what you can call “versatile”, we can work in different areas, and I like most of them so it is hard for me to focus only in one or two. I know that I want to work in Chile and that  I want to somehow make the world a better place with my future job . About the job, I can say that I’d like to be interacting with people. I think education is the key for changes, so I'd like to do environmental education. I'd like to work contributing to generate a balance between development and nature, where both can coexist (“a green future”). I also have thought about conservation, inspe